Pick up your phone now and call each LHSAA committee member below to stop the abuse of another student athlete. Due to facts exposed, Vandebilt HS, Andrew Robison, his family, and LHSAA Director Bonine reached agreement on Friday 9/29 for Andrew to play immediately. But LHSAA committee special interests killed the settlement. Put Louisiana First wants the LHSAA to know we are working with representatives to prohibit LHSAA from receiving public funds and to replace the LHSAA if they cannot be reformed.
An LHSAA source seeking to reform high school sports has provided the names of the 3 board members that stopped the agreement to end the abuse of Andrew Robison. Call and email them now.
Leader of opposition: David Federico 504 887 3507 administration@ecoleclassique.com
Also: Lee Bellard 337 684 5472 (refused to provide email)
William Kennedy 318 927 3502 wkennedy@claibornepsb.org
LHSAA Exwcutive Director Eddie Bonine contact is 225 296 5882 ebonine@lhsaa.org
Do it for ALL our children and grandchildren.