LSU President King Alexander Is Lowering The ACT Requirement At LSU
LSU President King Alexander Is Lowering The ACT Requirement At LSU
It took years of dedicated effort to raise LSU's average ACT score for admitted freshmen from below 20 to 27. This is an incredible increase. The addition of the Honors College program solidified the progress of LSU to true Flagship University Status. For many years high performing students left for other state Flagship Universities never to return. Now students with the skills to build a bright future for Louisiana are remaining in state to contribute.
In the 1990's the Louisiana Board of Regents established a system that has been incredibly successful at creating true Flagship status for LSU. All other higher education institutions were placed into one tier of 10 regional schools or another tier of three statewide schools. Each tier has differing ACT score and GPA requirements. The two-year community colleges are open enrollment.
By removing objective standards at LSU, King Alexander opens the door for politics and money to influence admissions decisions. Donors and persons of influence can now bring inappropriate influence to the admissions process.
Only the Louisiana Board of Regents is authorized in the Louisiana Constitution to change minimum standards. The standards they adopted in the 1990's have produced excellent results. King Alexander's spokesman Jason Droddy says Alexander can "thread through" requirements to end the minimum ACT standard without Regents approval.
Put Louisiana First asks you to call LSU President King Alexander at 225 578 2111 and the Board of Regents at 225 342 4253 and tell them to stop the plan to lower LSU standards immediately.
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