Court Victory For Robison Reveals True Tragedy of LHSAA
On October 16 the Judge in the Andrew Robison hearing appropriately denied everything the LHSAA asked for.
Put Louisiana First had suspended coverage of this disgraceful abuse of yet another student athlete to allow the parties helping Andrew to determine the best course of action for this outstanding young man. The family has chosen to pursue final arbitration hearing with the LHSAA, which could be heard as early as the week of October 22.
We are asking our readers to call LHSAA Director Eddie Bonine at 225 296 5882 and ask him to get LHSAA to the arbitration table immediately.
After public pressure and release of the disturbing facts of this case, Vandebilt Catholic, Hahnville, and LHSAA director Bonine reached a settlement that would allow Robison to play. Sources involved with LHSAA revealed in our previous report that three members on the LHSAA executive committee led by David Frederico of Ecole Classique shot down the agreement. The three include
David Frederico of Ecole Classique 504 887 3507 administration@ecoleclassique.com
Lee Bellard Church Point High School 337 684 5472 lbellard@acadiak12.la.us
William Kennedy of Claiborne Parish Schools 318 927 3502 wkennedy@claibornepsb.org
Our investigation through with former and present parents, staff, and students indicated that Vandebilt's primary motive in agreeing to the settlement was to avoid charges of improper actions on their part to have Andrew return, including improper incentives rejected by the Robisons.
The judge stated " damages may potentially be assessed against all parties involved," and that a future case would be heard in Hahnville. During the hearing the LHSAA lawyer repeatedly stated that "the LHSAA is not a state agency ... it's a private organization, there's nothing public about it." However the LHSAA is largely funded by taxes that come from public school member fees. For this reason, if the LHSAA does not get Robison back on the field, Put Louisiana First will support legislation banning public school funds from going to the LHSAA. We have been in contact with business and civic leaders that already have developed specific plans to replace the LHSAA with an accountable structure. Oklahoma has similar issues and public exposure to unacceptable events like this Robison case resulted in reform that we can use of a model. If arbitration does not resolve this issue by the next great Friday of Louisiana we will be back on November 28.
This case is not a tragedy. Andrew Robison has a great family and support system as has been made clear throughout the ordeal. This case is a disgrace. However, it reveals a tragedy. Over the years, and no doubt at this very moment in forgotten rural communities or impoverished urban neighborhoods kids' hopes and dreams of a better life have been, are, and will be destroyed if the LHSAA is not reformed. If he LHSAA they can't see their way do what is right in the light of all the scrutiny of this case, the only real option may be to end its existence by legislative action to ban public schools from participating with our tax dollars.